Welcome back, yoko!
We've missed you!
almost 15000 view.
my acquaintance reverse witnessed his relatives showing this video,and they pledged they never donate www again.. https://youtu.be/_adktmq-rba.
Welcome back, yoko!
We've missed you!
so everyone is supposed to get all excited about the invitation work starting tomorrow, according to the announcement from the platform.. maybe this makes sense if you're giving out invitations in the city where the convention is, but what if you're many hours away?.
a huge part of western canada is scheduled to attend edmonton alberta this july.
so how does that go over giving out invitations in winnipeg, about a 13 hour drive(that's just driving time).. i know some are actually planning on flying there, so i can't see getting excited about getting the public to make the trek.. i was curious how this is going over in other areas?.
"There was an invitation folded neatly in my door. No one buzzed the bell or knocked on the door.They Just stuck it in the screen door and moved on... The convention is 2 hrs away." -- Toshibabadu
Covering the territory, reaching as many potential attenders as possible.
I remember dear Sister Kraker, an anointed sister at Brooklyn Bethel, wife of equally diminutive but robust Simon, also of the anointed remnant. They were both devoted and enthusiastic Witnesses. Sister K. worked in the subscription department. She held up a yellow Awake! subscription blank and told me that little piece of paper represented the possibility, the hope of someone's coming into THE TRUTH.
She was so sincere; I, too, felt that the smallest gesture -- naming Jehovah's name, giving out a handbill to a stranger, inviting someone to the KH -- would produce monumental results.
Certainly, there were results . . .
we all need to earn a living.... so just curious, what is the worst type of work or job you have ever had to do?.
Shrink Wrap Department, Brooklyn Bethel.
When I gave my month's notice, I was demoted to the bowels of a factory building. I was depressed because I didn't really want to leave, but my work as a proofreader at Bethel and foreign language "missionary" in the congregation put me over the brink. So, sadness and a BORING job was the worst scenario I recall at the moment.
I should have been a house cleaner along with the Bethel sisters. I began cleaning as a wee tot, of my own volition, and started my own cleaning business after NY. Cleaning -- you're born loving it, or . . .
Oh, yeah -- there's more. I remember a disorganized and messy family asking for help moving. They had to be out by the end of the weekend. A crew of us arrived early Saturday morning and the family had packed nothing. Closets, cabinets, rooms were overflowing with junk and clothes and all the usual household stuff.
What a nightmare. But jobs, like nightmares, eventually end.
Or, do they?!?!?!?
Beautiful, stan!
Thank you very much, indeed!
Ladies are so good at multitasking. Me? Not a chance. One thing at a time, of itself, is a challenge.
Looking forward to your workplace garden!
Thanks, MissFit:
I will post more . . . soon!
Have a beautiful day, enjoying someone else's garden.
had the misfortune of stopping by the "regional" convention yesterday.
i promised my daughter i would come to sunday afternoon so she wouldnt have to ride home with her mother.... holy crap it was weird!
im sure all of this has been covered on the forum but to actually see it.... just wow.
I posted on another thread a while back something I had read in RW's The Free Minds Journal not too many years ago.
It seems it was a Brother Morris -- name rings a bell -- who was speaking in Los Angeles, Calif., stating that many changes were in the works. What I do clearly recall is his saying many would not be happy with the changes.
Little could we imagine what a turn the WTB&TS would take.
maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
Remember the Old Testament story of the soldiers lapping up water from the stream? The right way -- on bent knee and scooping up water as they looked about, wary of the enemy's approach. The wrong way -- on both knees, bent over, lapping up water from the stream like the dogs they were. Well, we know who were chosen.
My point is that the Asian bro has the handle of his book bag draped over one shoulder, wherein a passerby, intent on robbery, could grab the bag in an instant, and make off with valuable booty.
The Hispanic hombre, on the other hand, has the bag crossed over his head, making a would-be thief not overly willing to mess with less than easy pickings. Spiritual food, as harbored by Jehovah's Witnesses, is a recognized treasure trove, valuable beyond gems and gold and silver. I know, because I used to produce it at Brooklyn Bethel.
I always hated when the WT conductor asked the meaning behind the illustrations and the spiritual as well as practical lessons learned.
i'm in the middle of dissecting the june 2017 jw broadcasting video.. in the first minute, they summarize a story about a guy who apparently was a one-time bad ass (showed a picture of him with a beard while posing on a chopper).
then, they show him shaving at the exact same moment the narrator is saying how he regained "a clean conscience".. this no-beard obsession by the jws is beyond nuts.. .
I'm close to the Nathan Grindal "look." He's a fellow ginger, but I'm a lot older:
maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
anybody into art out there?
i was just so blown away by this piece i had to share.. .
at first i was just like "oh, that's a clever idea".